This is the perfect computer Recipe Software. If you want to save your family recipes, start your own collection, or if
you just want to own the easiest to use computer recipe software available, this is it! You just enter the information
about each recipe, and that's it, it's auto saved, and your ready to enter another recipe. Once you have more then 1 recipe saved, you can search by recipe names, such as: cookies, or title, or search by ingredients, etc. There is no limit to the amount of recipes you can save. This software is so neet, you can now have a huge collection of cookie recipes, crock-pot meals, or numerous recipe books all combined into one easy to use source. No more searching through numerous recipe books for that favorite recipe, and no more losing grandma's cherished recipes by accidently throwing out them yellowed 3 x 5 cards, or pieces of paper.